Can Rabbits Eat juicer Pulp ? (explained with examples)

The pulp you get in the juicing process; contains fiber and little nutritional value (as the juice is extracted from the produces already).

That’s why You may wonder whether to give your rabbit juicer pulp as you don’t know much nutrition is left in the juicer pulp,

So, can you feed your rabbit juicer pulp?

You can give juicer pulps to your bunnies without any tension as long as the pulp is made from healthy produce for rabbit health.

Juicer Pulps still are nutritious and fibery. Usually, the pulp from vegetables is safe for bunnies or rabbits but make sure the pulps are edible, eatable, eatworthy.

For example, You can give your rabbit juicer pulp produce from carrots, kale, celery, lettuce, romaine lettuce, apples, spinach, small length leafy greens, Brussels sprout, strawberries, blueberries, blackberries, cabbages, beets.

But do not give the rabbits pulps from full-length long beans, asparagus, wheatgrasses (never!), long grasses, full-length long greens with sticks as they may choke. The rabbits cannot gulp them, cannot digest them. They will vomit. Deadly caution sign.

Rabbits should always have a staple diet of water, veggies, hay, and good rabbit pellets first and foremost, and fresh leaves and veggies should top it up every day and not be their primary food.

Can rabbits eat celery pulp?

Yes, rabbits can eat juicer celery pulp moderately. As feeding celery has its pros and cons. nutrients, vitamins, and minerals of celery will help rabbits’ teeth in check.

On the other hand, celery strings can cause an upset stomach and blockage in the gi tract. Besides, too much celery in the rabbit diet can cause an increase in the sugar level of your rabbit.

Since rabbits do not have stomach movement, which is called peristalsis, like us, their stomach is prune to slow or stop the digestive activity . which can be deadly for your rabbit.

Note The benefits of having regular peristalsis include better digestion, reduced risk for ulcers, less constipation, a healthier colon, and increased energy.

That’s why rabbits need plenty of hay, grains, fibers, and other food and a small amount of celery in their diet.

And even though Celery leaves contain nutritional elements with lots of various nutrients, you should not give them too much. You can give them half a stick amount of celery pulp daily along with other food.

Can you feed carrot pulp to your bunny?

Carrot pulps are ground pulps full of fibers, nutrients, and leftover juices if not thoroughly dried. The rabbits can eat and digest quickly.

Carrots are the big powerhouse for your rabbits, as it comes with lots of Vitamin A, which helps your rabbit’s eyesight, immune system and heart, lungs, and kidneys.

But it doesn’t mean you should give your rabbit carrots pulp regularly. They can eat moderately with other foods, balanced bunny diet. But you need to be careful.

Giving them only carrots may cause health problems in the long term. If a bunny overeats carrot pulp, your rabbit could suffer from a lack of other nutrients that carrots do not contain, then obesity, digestive problems, and tooth decay and die.

Carrots usually are high in fiber, calcium, and Vitamin A. They contain some level of sugar and starch. So, giving them only carrots is not a proper diet. The only carrot-based diet would be full of carbohydrates, sugar, and starch.

But If you happen to have a rabbit with a GI stasis disease, carrots may be the perfect solution!

As you already know, Rabbit stomachs are not the same as many other animals’ stomachs. Feeding them nothing but carrots might kill your rabbit —and in a rather unpleasant fashion. There are many foods that you should not provide your rabbit, including cabbage and parsnips.

Should you give Beet-pulp to your rabbit?

Beet pulps are healthy but may not be as easy to digest for all rabbits as the other soft vegetables and fruits, like,

for example, apples, carrots. Apples are mushy, we know. Carrots are full of carotene and fibers. Beet pulps have irons and threads.

Beet pulp contains sugar and carbohydrate, and fibers. Beet pulp is the solid left over after the sugar extracted from sugar beets. They can eat it in small amounts.

Beets contain a lot of sugar with a hint of fat and protein, have some calcium and phosphorus. They also include a little fiber.

Beets pulps can be offered to the rabbits in minimal amounts a few times a month. They are acidic; among other nutrients, sugar, fat, protein, calcium, and phosphorus they contain.

If they overeat, it is likely to cause your bunny gas and stomach ache issues leading to illness and disorders. So it would help if you fed them with caution.

Harmful juicer pulp for Rabbits

Caution: do not give the rabbits pulps from full-length long beans, asparagus, wheatgrasses (never!), full-length long greens with sticks. They will choke. The rabbits cannot gulp them, cannot digest them.

About leafy greens: only give the rabbits the leaves, leafy greens without the long sticks.

About sticks (soft branches) of leafy greens: cut the edible digestible soft light green sticks or green branches into less than half inches/tiny portions. But make sure they are palatable and digestible. Only then can you give the extensions to the rabbits.

Some vegetables can be poisonous for rabbits. Toxic vegetables for rabbits include mushrooms, broad beans, potatoes, rhubarb, kidney beans, and iceberg lettuce. You should also avoid feeding Avocado.

Tips to add new Fruits and Vegetables to Your Rabbit’s Diet

Rabbits have sensitive stomachs. It would help if you were careful about their diets. Their stomach cannot digest all foods.

They can eat new fruits and vegetables slowly and in small quantities and monitor your rabbit stomach for any adverse reactions.

Sometimes rabbits are not interested in eating. They like something different like we want something different like drinks, chewing gum, chocolates, chews.

If getting your rabbit to eat nutritional foods is hard, try offering healthy pet chews. Offer them something that contains dry fruits. Rabbits love to chew, so give them funny treats like celery carrot spinach salad with dried apple and cranberries.

You can also offer baked treats made with real apples and bananas, ready-made rabbit snacks that provide additional nutritional value. Generally, Freeze-dried fruit treats may contain cranberries and mangos.

How to Make Rabbit Treat Sticks from Leftover Juicer Pulp

You can know more about rabit foods from the book:  The Basics of Raising Backyard Rabbits: Beginner’s Guide to Raising, Feeding, Breeding and Butchering Rabbits (Homestead Basics Book 2)

By the way, if you don’t want to waste your leftover juicer-pulp or know about 10 juicer pulp recipes then read my other article.


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