
Juicing for IBS-Tips and Top 3 Recipes for Irritable bowel syndrome

let’s start with some basics and then how to get rid of ibs using juicing recipe …

About Irritable Bowl Syndrome

What is it

Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder that affects the large intestine in a rather irritating way. Signs and symptoms include cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and/or constipation. If not paid attention or treated, IBS may become chronic and may cause you sufferings in the long term.

3 Types:

There are three types of irritable bowel syndrome. They include:

  • IBS with constipation. It includes symptoms like constipation, difficulty and pain while bowel movements, stomach pain and discomfort, abnormally delayed or infrequent bowel movement, or lumpy/hard stool, bloating.
image of juicing for ibs article
  • IBS with diarrhoea. This comes with abdominal pain, cramp, stomach pain and discomfort, a sudden and urgent need to move your bowels, abnormally frequent bowel movements, or loose/liquid and watery stool.
  • IBS with alternating constipation and diarrhoea.

What are its symptoms:

  • Abdominal cramp
  • Constipation — the stool comes out either lumpy or hard
  • Bloating, Gas
  • Diarrhea — the stool comes out the liquid, loose or watery
  • Alternating bouts of constipation and diarrhea
  • Bowel movements that feel (maybe sudden) uncontrollably urgent, difficult to pass, or incomplete
  • Clear or white mucus with the stool

What causes IBS:

  • Bread and cereals made with refined (not whole) grains
  • Processed foods such as chips and cookies
  • Coffee, carbonated drinks, and alcohol
  • High-protein diets
  • Dairy products, especially cheese
  • Too much fibre, especially the insoluble kind you get in the skin of fruits and vegetables
  • Food and drinks with chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, fructose, or sorbitol
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Large meals
  • Fried and fatty foods
  • Dairy products, especially in people who can’t digest the milk sugar lactose, called lactose intolerance
  • Foods with wheat for people who are allergic to or have a bad reaction to gluten.

Can you get IBS from anxiety?

Anxieties and hypertension might worsen your IBS situation, or suddenly trigger it in situations. Psychological problems do not directly cause the stomach disorders. But IBS patients with anxieties are prone to have  more difficulties than the others because they are more sensitive to emotional troubles . Stress and anxiety may make the mind more aware of spasms in the colon. IBS may be triggered by the immune system, which is affected by stress.

What to drink for IBS


juicing for IBS: Fruits and Vegetable fresh juices are the first options to drink for IBS.

Decaf coffee, tea: Do not drink strong tea or coffee when you have IBS problem. Instead, go for decaffeinated drinks.

Herbal tea: Among herbal tea ginger tea, chamomile tea, green tea can be recommended.

Dairy-free milk: You can consume Fully skimmed and partly skimmed milk to improve IBS condition.

Ginger drinks : Boil water and add sliced ginger to the water. Take this drink once or twice a day.

What to avoid for IBS

  • Tea, coffee: When you have IBS, you must stay away from tea, coffee. Tea, coffee are diuretic and dehydrates your body. These are must items in the list of foods to avoid with IBS bloating.
  • Sweetener: Avoid artificial sweeteners when you have IBS. Artificial sweeteners have chemicals which are not good for your stomach.
  • Lactose and fructose products: Lactose and fructose cause stomach troubles to many people in normal conditions. When the patient has IBS, the situation worsens. Avoid high dairy meals and products rich with a high amount of lactose and fructose.
  • Too many spices and spicy foods: Spicy foods trigger your IBS condition. Avoid spicy foods during IBS situation.
  • Too much fibre: Avoid too much fibre, especially the insoluble kind you get in the skin of fruits and vegetables.
  • Food and drinks with chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, fructose, or sorbitol. Avoid fruits and drinks that contain these items.
  • Carbonated drinks: Avoid carbonated drinks like Pepsi, Fanta etc and instead drink naturally fruit flavoured water and fruits and vegetable juices.
  • Large meals: Avoid starving for a long time and voraciously eating large meals. Instead, choose small meals throughout the day that contain healthy, natural and organic items and curb processed sugary and fatty foods.
  • Fried and fatty foods: When you have IBS, avoid fatty and fried foods, fast foods. These food items trigger your IBS condition.

Why Juicing for IBS – How juicing help? 


Intake of soluble fibres: Normally you cannot eat plenty of raw fruits and vegetables altogether. Juicing helps you get useful soluble fibre easily which is good for your health.  Though you get rid of the insoluble fibres through juicing, you retain plenty of soluble fibres which are helpful for your body.

Drinking the extracts out of raw vegetable which is otherwise not possible: When you drink juice from fresh and raw fruits and vegetables you get nutrients and extracts which directly and instantly gets mixed with your body system. It boosts your immunity and refreshes your mind and body.  Drinking the nutritious juice excluding the raw insoluble fibres helps your digestion system by saving your stomach from hassles.

Ease to digest: One of the main difficulties of IBS patients is a hardship to digest. Juicing makes it easier to digest plenty of nutrients from fresh produces.

Juicing reduces cancer risk: Drinking juice makes it easier for your body to extract food nutrients easily which reduces the risk of different kind of cancer including colon, breast, prostate cancer etc.

Boosts immunity: Juicing boosts your immunity power by adding powerful and healthy nutritious nutrients to your body system. For instance, from a 100-gram apple fruit serving you can get soluble fibres, vitamin C, vitamin A, potassium, magnesium which get instantly mixed with your body system and boosts up your mind, body right away.

Recipes for IBS Patients:

Image of top benefits of beet juicing

You need to Wash the above ingredients. And use your juicer to make the papaya juice. Run through a filter to get rid of pulps.

Caution: these recipes are just ideas if you find any you are getting reaction or discomfort after you take any of the juice. Stop taking those juice or change the ingredients. Avoid whatever food you are not comfortable with.

Recipe 1:Papaya juice


  • 2 cup pineapple
  • 1 orange
  • 2 papaya- seeded

Recipe 3 :

  • 3 Apple
  • 1 Celery 
  • 1 Ginger
  • 1 Parsley
  • 1 Lemon
  • 1 Kale

Recipe 2 : green juice

  • 2 cup pineapple
  • 2 cup cabbage
  • 2 cup fennel
  • 2 nub ginger
  • 1/2 cup mint

Recipe 4:

  • Kale 3
  • Lemon 2
  • Ginger 1

Smoothie Recipe for IBS patients:

some smoothie recipes are given below too. Blend all items in a blender…use below recipes ..

Related queries and Answers

  • What kind of fruit can you eat with IBS?

You should avoid fruits with fructose. Because Fructose commonly causes problems for those with IBS. High fructose fruits include watermelon, apples, pears, dried fruit and fruit juices. Low fructose fruits are banana, berries, grapes, oranges, lemons and limes.

  • Is yoghurt good for irritable bowel syndrome?

Yoghurt helps IBS condition because it contains healthy bacteria or probiotics. Most yoghurt brands contain probiotic strains of bifidobacteria and lactobacillus, it keeps good bacteria in the gut.

  • Is apple cider vinegar good for irritable bowel syndrome?

Having a glass of water with two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar can assist with digestion.

  • What causes irritable bowel syndrome to flare up?

Insoluble fibres cause IBS to flare up, while the soluble fibres can help IBS get better. One of the most common ways is to incorporate more soluble fibre into your meals. While dietary fibre help in constipation, insoluble fibres make other symptoms worse (like gas and cramping).

  • Can you fix IBS?

Irritable bowel syndrome is the irritating bowel condition what doctors call symptoms of bloating or gas, distention, constipation, diarrhoea, cramping where your bowel is irritable and uncomforting. When you have IBS you must consult your doctor.

What can I drink with irritable bowel syndrome?

  1. Carrot juice
  2. Fruit juices. cranberries, bananas, grapefruits, lemons, grapes, and pineapples
  3. Vegetable juices. …
  4. Decaffeinated coffee, decaf tea, or weak caffeinated tea. …
  5. Herbal tea. …
  6. Ginger drinks. …
  7. Dairy-free milk.
  • Is carrot juice healthy for irritable bowel syndrome?

Carrots can be natural remedies to treat both constipation and diarrhoea. The pectin in carrots helps many of the symptoms of IBS. You can drink carrot juice 2 or 3 times a day. You can also eat raw, steamed, baked carrots.

  • Can I drink orange juice with IBS?

orange juicing for IBS and then drink in an empty stomach can worsen your situation.

Make sure you do not take orange juice in empty stomach.

  • Is Apple Juice Good for irritable bowel syndrome? Is Apple Juice Good for IBS?

The latest research indicates that fructose (a sugar found in fruit) and sorbitol (an artificial sweetener) may aggravate IBS symptoms. That may be why apple, grape and pear juices are linked with diarrhoea and abdominal pain.

  • Is Cranberry Juice Good for irritable bowel syndrome?

antioxidants found in cranberry juice comes with an anti-adhesion ability that stops bacteria from living in your stomach walls. It maintains a healthy balance of good bacteria in your stomach, too.

  • Is green tea good for intestine? 

green tea has anti-inflammatory properties which may help your stomach to heal from the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome . Hence, when you drink green tea, decaffeinated it and then consume it while it is hot because hot green tea is much more helpful than cold green tea.

  • How do you get rid of irritable bowel syndrome?

See your doctor soon. Avoid high lactose and fructose foods, spicy foods, coffee, caffeinated drinks, fried and fatty foods. Take medicines as per your doctor’s prescriptions. Maintain healthy lifestyle. Sleep properly. Drink water.

  • Are beans bad for irritable bowel syndrome?

Beans and legumes. Beans are nutritious and generally a great source of protein and fibre, but they can also cause IBS symptoms. Beans deteriorates  IBS by increasing gas, bloating etc.

  • What foods trigger IBS? What kind of fruit can you eat with IBS?

Avoid fruits with high fructose. Try Low fructose fruits instead:  such as lemons, berries, banana,  grapes, oranges and limes.

  • Is Beer Bad for IBS?

Beer is diuretic and dehydrates your body. Alcohol causes flare-up. Some alcoholic beverages may be more likely to cause flare-ups than others. Reportedly, many IBS patients have suffered significantly due to alcohol intake during IBS.

  • Can coffee be causing my IBS?

Certain foods including caffeine, coffee, decaffeinated coffee, insoluble fibre, alcohol, chocolate, hot spices, carbonated drinks and foods high in fat can trigger IBS symptoms.

  • What food can you eat with IBS?
  • Broccoli, onions, and cabbage.
  • Fried or fatty foods such as chips.
  • Milk products such as cheese or ice cream.
  • Alcohol.
  • Caffeine in coffee, tea
  • Chocolate.
  • What foods are best for IBS?
  • Broccoli, onions, and cabbage.
  • Fried or fatty foods.
  • Milk products; cheese or ice cream.
  • Alcohol.
  • Caffeine in coffee, tea
  • Chocolate
  • Low-FODMAP Diet for your bowel trouble
  • Fructose: Fruits, honey, high-fructose corn syrup, agave.
  • Lactose: Dairy.
  • Fructans: Wheat, onions, garlic.
  • Galatians: Legumes, such as beans, lentils, and soybeans.
  • Polyols: Sugar alcohols and fruits that have pits or seeds, such as apples, avocados, cherries, figs, peaches, or plums.
  • What is good for irritable bowel syndrome?
  • Broccoli, onions, and cabbage.
  • Fried or fatty foods such as chips.
  • Milk products such as cheese or ice cream.
  • Alcohol.
  • Caffeine in coffee, tea, and some fizzy drinks.
  • Chocolate.
  • Is Avocado good or bad for IBS?

Avocado for IBS, appropriate serving is good. More than the serving size that contains higher amount of sorbitol is not good for you. The only research on avocados for irritable bowel syndrome has to do with the FODMAP content of the fruit. FODMAP-wise, avocado oil is fine (oils contain no FODMAPs).

  • Is Apple Juice Good for irritable bowel syndrome? Is Apple Juice Good for IBS?

Apple has both sorbitol and fructose. Fructose is fruit sugar and sorbitol is a sweetener. The latest research indicates that fructose and sorbitol may aggravate IBS symptoms. That is probably why apple, grape and pear juices are linked with diarrhoea and abdominal pain.

  • Is Mango good for IBS patient?

Mango is not particularly good for IBS patients. Drinking mango juice in empty stomach is not good for your health when you have IBS. It might trigger your IBS. However, drinking mango juice, or milkshake in full or half full stomach will not be bad for your IBS.

  • Can I cure my Irritable Bowel Syndrome?

Millions of people around the world experience irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) at some point. If you’re experiencing chronic IBS symptoms like abdominal cramps, frequent diarrhoea or constipation, you may have IBS. Before doing anything on your own, consult your doctor, family physician immediately.

  • How do you stop an IBS attack?

Here are some things you can do to soothe your agitation and symptoms.

  1. Take a deep breath
  2. Adjust room temperature
  3. Sip soothing tea or drink
  4. Breathe slowly and deeply
  5. Talk to yourself to calm your mind
  6. Use Pain Management Strategies
  7. Remain Calm in the Face of Symptoms
  8. Keep an IBS journal where you write the symptoms
  9. Practice Stress Management Activities
  • What foods trigger IBS?

Foods that can make IBS-related diarrhoea worse for some people include:

  • Insoluble fibres that you get from vegetables and fruits skins
  • Food and drinks with chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, fructose, or sorbitol.
  • Carbonated drinks.
  • Large meals.
  • Fried and fatty foods.
  • What foods can you eat on the Fodmap diet? Low FODMAP food (good to eat food)
  • Fruits, Vegetables and Legumes
  • Meats, Poultry
  • Fish and Seafood.
  • Cereals, Grains, Bread, Biscuits, Pasta, Nuts and Cakes.
  • Condiments, Dips, Sweets, Sweeteners and Spreads.
  • Drinks and Protein Powders.
  • Dairy Foods and Eggs.

Triggers and How to Avoid Them

Triggers and remedy- for IBS (Constipation)

Some foods items worsen your IBS constipation, these foods include:

  • White Bread and cereals made of white or refined wheat or grains
  • Fast foods, Processed foods such as chips, crackers and cookies
  • Strong tea, coffee, carbonated drinks, and alcohol
  • High-protein diets
  • Dairy products, particularly cheese

Remedy :

  • Whole-grain foods, bread, cereals can help your constipation situation. The ideal grain intake for IBS patients is  25 (for women) or 38 (for men) grams per day. You can take and gradually increase your fiber intake 2 to 3 grams per day until you reach the ideal amount per day. Good sources of whole grains include whole-grain bread and cereals, avocado, beans, fruits, and vegetables.
  • Carb sugar and instead eat foods with sorbitol; drink fruits juices such as dried plums and prune juice.
  • Water is the best remedy for constipation problem. Drink plenty of plain water every day. If you cannot drink plain water throughout the day, switch to naturally flavoured water.
  • Ground flaxseeds are good remedies for IBS. You can include it in bread dough, use in soups, curry, fries, sprinkle it on salads and cooked vegetables.
  • Drink flavoured water, mix lemon, herbs and spices, fruits like strawberries, blueberries, kiwi, mint, coriander, ginger with your water and drink flavoured water throughout the day.

Triggers and remidy for IBS ( Diarrhea)

Foods that can make IBS-related diarrhoea worse for some people include:

  • Excessive intake of insoluble fibre
  • Food and drinks with chocolate, alcohol, caffeine, fructose, or excessive sorbitol
  • Carbonated drinks
  • Large meals after a fast or long break
  • Fried and fatty foods, too much spicy
  • lactose intolerance
  • gluten.

Better Diet Choices for Diarrhea:

  • Eat a moderate amount of soluble fibre. It adds bulk to your stools. Good sources are whole wheat bread, oats, barley, brown rice, whole-grain pasta, the flesh of the fruit (not the hard insoluble/indigestible skin), and dried fruits.
  • Don’t eat foods at opposite temperatures, such as ice-cold water and steaming hot soup, in the same meal.
  • Stay away from broccoli, onions, and cabbage. They cause gas, which can make you feel worse.
  • Eat smaller portions.
  • Drink water an hour before or after meals, not while you eat.
  • Talk with your doctor or a dietitian if you think you may have a wheat allergy.
  • beans, Brussels sprouts, wheat germ, raisins, celery these foods cause the formation of gas in your stomach easily. Try not to eat too much when you have this type of trouble.


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